Nurture a small pot of succulents that grow in real time. Viridi is a safe haven, a place you can return to for a moment of peace and quiet whenever, and wherever you need it.While not fully realistic (they're very forgiving), your succulents will require some maintenance and can die from over- or under-watering. Name your favorite plants, give them special care and attention, and they might even flower for you.Viridi is free to try and comes with your choice of plant assortment. If you think it has a place in your life, you can buy your favorite plants from the in-game nursery for just a few cents a piece. Remember to visit the nursery occasionally for your weekly free
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User Feedback
Customer feedback about our service
Viridi is a gorgeous game that I've gotten into the habit of opening every night before bed, to take a moment to sit quietly. Music & visuals are both wonderful, & it's rewarding to play even if you can't spend money on it. However... It would be great if there were a way to back up your progress to the account you downloaded it with. Currently, as far as I know, you lose all progress if you have to delete the app/get a new phone. Unless I'm missing something/it's changed since I last had it.
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Nurture a small pot of succulents that grow in real time. Viridi is a safe haven, a place you can return to for a moment of peace and quiet whenever, and wherever you need it.While not fully realistic (they're very forgiving), your succulents will require some maintenance and can die from over- or under-watering. Name your favorite plants, give them special care and attention, and they might even flower for you.Viridi is free to try and comes with your choice of plant assortment. If you think it has a place in your life, you can buy your favorite plants from the in-game nursery for just a few cents a piece. Remember to visit the nursery occasionally for your weekly free
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Feedback from our customers
User feedback about our service
Overall, I enjoy this app. I've had it a while, and I appreciate that plants don't die if you forget check in. My only complaint is that when I switch to a new pot, the screen flashes very fast, and as an epileptic, it makes me really worried about seizing. I can't find anywhere that offers an option to turn off the flashing effect, and I would really appreciate if that could be looked into.
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